Ultralight & Durable Camping, Hiking and Backpacking Gear
POG delivers a superb package of professional outdoor gear features at a price that everyone can afford.
Why Choose Premier Outdoor Gear?
Your Satisfaction is Our Goal
Premier Outdoor Gear researches and develops products to meet your needs. We then engineer them to deliver strength, durability, ease of use and lastly aesthetic appeal so you will have a product you will use and love for years.
You demand gear that is tough, durable with the features that make it compact, light and easy to use so you can focus on enjoying your hike, campout, backpack or day at the beach. POG responds with user tested gear that delivers in all settings and conditions. You have a choice in outdoor gear and we work hard to make our outdoor and camp gear the easy choice.
Every outdoor, backpacking, camping and hiking product we sell was designed with the serious outdoor enthusiast in mind. We work with engineers and designers to insure that you, the customer, receive the outdoor gear that you want with the features you need at a reasonable price. Our products use materials that are cutting edge and see use in aerospace, auto and bicycle racing and other applications that call for strength, ultra light weight and durability.
Choose our outdoor, hiking and camping gear for yourself and see why many people look to POG for quality, cutting edge, budget-minded outdoor gear. POG brand outdoor products have been the choice of serious backpackers and trekkers for some time. Enjoy your next outdoor adventure more by bringing our gear with you on your next outdoor adventure.